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How to Book Services?
Certainly! You have the convenience of accessing our services with just a few taps. To book any service, all you need to do is download our app. Once you are in, you can pick an available time slot that suits you. After you've successfully booked, our support team will give you a confirmation call to confirm your booking.
If you prefer to speak directly, you can also reach out to us at 9911203330 or 9911263330 to make your booking. We're here to make the process as smooth as possible for you!
Can I Cancel the Service?
Certainly! You have the option to cancel the service up to 3 hours before the scheduled time. If you cancel within this window, you will receive a refund. After that timeframe, cancellation won't be possible, but you can request a reschedule if there's an available slot. For instance, if your slot is at 1 p.m., you can cancel by 10 a.m. on the same day for a refund. Refunds won't be available after 10 a.m. on the day of the appointment.
Are the services refundable?
Certainly! You can get a refund for the services if you decide to cancel them at least 3 hours before the scheduled time. However, once that 3-hour window has passed, the amount won't be refunded. But don't worry, you still have the option to reschedule the service based on the slots that are available.
Are the Products used for grooming safe for pets?
Absolutely, the products used for our dog grooming services are completely safe. We prioritize the well-being and comfort of your furry friend, so we use high-quality and pet-friendly products. These products are specifically designed for dogs and are tested to ensure they are gentle on their skin and coat. Your dog's safety and health are our top priorities when it comes to grooming.
What services I can avail from PETTIK?
You have the option to enjoy various services from us, including grooming, pet boarding, pet walking, pet training, pet insurance, pet transportation and many more.Additionally, you can explore and buy pet products from our online store.